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ANLCA Board Election: Know Your Candidates




In this series “ANLCA Board Election: Know Your Candidates”, focus would be on showcasing members of the Nigerian Licensed Customs Agents (ANLCA) that have expressed interest in contesting membership of the Board of Trustees (BoT).

Top on the agenda of this endeavour is to identify the character, history, moral and industry credentials of those that are desiring to get on the board, with the sole purpose of providing ANLCA members and voters; and indeed the industry at large,  a clear picture of the contestants.

This will cover the personality, industry standing and integrity of those interested in becoming board members; and hence provide voters especially with a ‘certified true copy’ identity for the suitability or otherwise as it were,  of these contestants; and hence help members and voters make correct and  informed choices.

Board membership is a serious matter and unless people with the right attitude, vision, commitment and above all integrity are those voted into office, such organizations are bound to retrogress.


ANLCA have just come out of a long, weary crisis despite that the present leadership quickly closed ranks after the election was won and lost, and in united effort sought to pick its pieces together and thus with one accord, have so far recreated the ANLCA satisfactorily through reintegrating itself into national and industry reckoning.

Whereas that laudable and salutary unity of purpose and the effervescence that accompanied it helped the Association regained lost grounds, rebuild and restore lost image in addition to providing a broad base, genuine reconciliation; more progress is only possible with a board that is peopled with genuine aspiration, sincerity of heart, and sincerity of purpose to move ANLCA higher and not to decimate whatever gains have so far been recorded.

The task of the board of organizations like ANLCA is one of genuine representation built on moral resilience, respect and forbearance, and hence board members ordinarily should also be people of means, both in terms of competence and socio-economic net worth, people with defined reputation and disposition, whose voices when heard command attention and evoke esteem and respect and accordingly, release the desire to consider whatever issues such personalities deign to present.

That is the power and duty of a board member; it is so clearly defined that it abhors the culture of mediocrity, of parlous and narrow intents and hence, naturally not meant for those still struggling to put food on their table, not meant for the self centred and or the unreliable, nor the viviparous and cantankerous fellows who lacks the corporate decorum to nurture industry and national critical partnership.

ANLCA is undergoing a restoration transition and require men of goodwill, ‘men of timber and caliber’ apologies to our heroes past; men with the right political, industry and corporate standing, not men harbouring grudge and or nursing bitterness.


ANLCA members and voters should therefore seek to know their candidates, seek to understand their psyche and motives by religiously paying attention to the character of each candidate, campaign styles, peculiarities and shortcomings; which overall manifestations will project and promote, or build or destroy ANLCA’s ongoing restoration, rebranding and reintegration processes.

Since the lifting of embargo on electioneering processes and campaign activities into the BoT on July 1, 2024, the true nature of some of those with a predisposition for power have been showcased, albeit unintentionally.

Members and voters in the coming board election should avail themselves of the history and character of the candidates that will be asking for their votes and seek to vote wisely, by voting for people with straight pedigree and those with the right intentions to take ANLCA higher by ensuring that the benefits of members and that of the association is the central focus.

At this point, members and voters alike should identify what is best for their overall interest and be bold and upright in rejecting those with narrow considerations, those whose only desire is to use the office to reignite trouble and or to fester their personal nest.

A man’s ideal is often one with his words, his eccentricity and dispositions, and the truth about the personal character and leadership credentials of political office seekers is not different from his everyday mannerism, which can often be gleaned from his conversations and or depositions.


Therefore, members and voters should in addition to the campaigns also pay close attention to recent talks and statements by members of ANLCA in relation to their ambition to serve in leadership capacity.

People with leadership quality and sincere aspirations are not difficult to identify. Recently asked if he was considering contesting the BoT election, the former ANLCA Sole Administrator and former National Secretary, Alhaji Babatunde Mukaila gave a non committal statement, but then exhibited qualities that any organisation looks out for in its leadership corridor.

Mukaila was quoted as saying, “I am a member of the association, and if it is necessary, why not? I think I am qualified to be a BoT member. When we get to that bridge, we will cross it, if it is necessary.”

He went on to state what the a BoT should adhere to its defined roles as per the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) and the association’s guidelines and expressed the desire for a board that focuses on the association’s overall interests without interfering in its day-to-day operations.

“I would like to see a BoT that is restricted to its role, as enshrined in CAMA and by extension the few roles extended to them by our association. I would like to see a BoT that is dutiful to its role. I would like to see a BoT that will not get involved in the day-to-day running of the association; I want a BoT that will advocate for the betterment of the association.”


The Alhaji Mukaila’s belief is in all simplicity the right inclination of a leadership standard bearer, because it resonates with sincerity, foresight, respect and leadership carriage.

There are rumours that a total of sixteen persons have picked the board election nomination forms, with additional reports that factional groups’ caucus meetings have already begun, and that the political atmosphere within the association is already heating up.

While caucus gatherings, political alignments and re-alignments is not itself bad, members and voters should however take note that attempts to overheat the atmosphere is potentially dangerous and can hurt the stability that has returned to the Association.

There are concerns that some of those who have picked nomination forms may have done so not out of genuine interest to lend a hand to strengthening the prospects of the association and its members; but as a means of continuing the old rivalry and satisfying the vain glorification of some entrenched interests with the incline of godfatherism and parade a sense of entitlement in the leadership structure.

This category of political adventurers are detrimental to the aspirations and future of ANLCA, and members and voters should remain vigilant, be discerning as they prepare to vote and guide against falling to evil.


The Pinnacle Time, a long standing observer of political developments in the Association will be providing the industry the credentials of interested candidates which highlights their strength as it appertains to their aspiration. Watch out!

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